through the eyes of a deviant

tongue like a diamond dagger

Monthly Archives: November 2010

an unusual critic cont’d – disc one

If you remember from this entry a woman named Carol Kornacki has a thing against the Harry Potter series, and therefore sent me a two disc recording of her views on it. I’ve only listened to the first one as of yet and while this one gave me a brain hemorrhage just big enough to make me want to punch a baby, I’ll listen to the second one and also post my review.

While listening I took notes on some of the things she’s said. Often times I had to stop the CD to run to the nearest wall to bash my head into it. I honestly don’t think this woman has any idea what she’s talking about. I told this to my roommate (who gave her so much credibility) and she didn’t have much to say. Honestly after listening to what she said you can’t really refute the fact that this woman is a complete moron.

“I’m not here to attack J.R. Rowlings.”

Who the fuck is J.R. Rowlings? I’m pretty sure the author of the book is named J.K. Rowling, idiot. If you’re gonna sit here and talk about a book series you probably didn’t even read at least get the author’s goddamn name right!

“It’s not the books necessarily it’s the things attached to the books. I’m really talking to Christians.”

I waited for a while on this CD for her to actually talk about “things attached to the books” because I had no idea what she was talking about but of course it’s obvious she’s only talking about the people who feel Harry Potter could be a concern for their children. Other parents are actually happy that kids nowadays still find the desire to READ.

At this point in the CD she starts rambling on about what was written about in the previous entry (see link at top), and about the screen director’s need for the cast to say their lines accurate. She also talks about how she grew up in a violent, abusive, and alcoholic family which pushed her to learn about “Eastern religions” involving witchcraft. It’s also interesting to note that she first had the impression that Christians were crazy, as if it’s not all based on supernatural occurrences??

Jesus Christ is interesting. when people curse they don’t say ‘Oh Buddha!’ they say ‘Oh Jesus Christ!’. Our calendar/ number system is based from his birthday. America was built on Christian principles.”

First of all since when was cursing interesting? If someone is cursing in his name isn’t that blasphemous? I have nothing to say about the whole calendar bit either since it’s also quite irrelevant. But one of the things that pisses me off beyond all belief are the Bible thumpers that think America was built on Christian principles. IT WASN’T. That doesn’t even make sense!

Not only did our founding fathers vary in religion amongst themselves, a majority of them stuck to tenets from free masonry rather than those of Christianity. For those that can read you’ll notice how the word ‘God’ is nowhere in the Constitution. Excuse the bias so early in but this woman is a goddamn fool.

She also goes on to say that the Bible specifically says that we aren’t to concern ourselves with witchcraft and that reading Harry Potter at all is going against the Bible. Well the Bible says a lot of things that would therefore cut out half of our literary classics, does that mean we should just stop reading??

I’m just happy to know that Americans are still semi-literate enough to know about Harry Potter and to have read the series! I don’t think the Bible should be the only book anyone ever picks up!

Not to mention it’s a damn children’s book, lighten the fuck up! I don’t think you’re going to Hell just because you read a book. It doesn’t mean you’re dabbling in witchcraft no more than reading Twilight means you’ve become suddenly become a sparkling vampire with emotional problems.

“Harry is upset he’s with his horrible aunt and uncle and doesn’t know what to do. Why didn’t he go to Christ?” (referencing the plot of the first book, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone)

Because quite honestly no one would read it if it had to do with Jesus straight up. People read the Chronicles of Narnia because the biblical theme was hidden underneath something entertaining. Harry coming to Christ would all of a sudden make this boring, not to mention it was J.K.’s idea and she can do whatever the hell she wants! Why does every piece of literature regarding hardship have to revolve around Jesus? Show some fucking tolerance woman!

And to be real for a second, I’d much rather get a literal escape from that type of situation portrayed in the book than a figurative or spiritual escape. I’m not gonna have Harry suffer through mesothelioma from staying in that damn closet all his life, inhaling asbestos and getting bitched out everyday, and try to call that entertainment. If he went to Christ what then would be the plot???


“Now I’m being told it’s okay for kids to learn the dark deep secrets of witchcraft that took me 6 years to master.”

So what secrets about witchcraft are being taught through the Harry Potter books? Especially when the author said she doesn’t even believe in witchcraft? And if you notice, pretty much all the spells are just variations of Latin translations for what they do, it didn’t take that much effort to come up with what they should be called: reading Harry Potter to me is more like mastering Latin, not witchcraft.

I don’t know about you but I haven’t heard of any kids that grew up with the books (keep in mind if they did they would be my age now) that as a result went out and started doing real witchcraft. Nobody is conjuring up spells and summoning demons. Shut the hell up.

“What power causes kids to read HUNDREDS OF PAGES of Harry Potter, a book filled with witchcraft, but they can’t take ten minutes to read the Bible??”

“There were people that camped all night waiting to get into a bookstore to get these books when they were first coming out.”

First of all if you feel the need to comment on how many pages there are, that’s a shame. That’s not a lot of pages at all actually. And that power you’re talking about isn’t sorcery, it’s called great writing style. Most kids don’t want to sit there and read the Bible because let’s be honest; being told all the reasons why you’ll be condemned to Hell with stories attached to them is not attractive in a literary sense – it’s boring as hell. Kids barely want to read as it is, the only thing that’ll get them to read is something interesting!

“J.R. Rowlings (getting the name WRONG again) said she doesn’t even believe in witchcraft. She said she just made it up and it’s not real witchcraft. Well I’m an ex witch so I can say yes it is.”

No, you’re a jackass trying to pull rank when you’re clearly illiterate and have no idea that the Latin language even exists nor the name of the person that wrote the damn books.

“Have they talked to the people whose kids have played dungeons and dragons and may have taken their lives or the life of someone else?”

WAIT. WHAT? WHO THE… *stroke* How is that relevant first of all, and second of all do you not see a fucking epidemic in teen suicide in the LGBT community from Bible thumpers harassing them?!?!? That’s fucking ignorant and insulting that she would blatantly write that off! This bitch needs to get the FUCK out of here!!

“Reading about things like Harry Potter has made learning about Christ boring and unimportant to kids now.”

It was boring and unimportant long before Harry Potter, I think you’re just jealous. What’s wrong with reading? Something tells me she’s the book burning type.

“In Harry Potter they divide up wizards; good wizards and bad wizards. I can’t find such a thing as a good wizard in the Bible.”

And you think these books are based on the Bible because? Oh right because you can’t see past the one damn book you give any time of day to, that a book HAS to mention God in good light to get your approval; if it isn’t mentioned at all you’re automatically against it. In short, you’re moronic and illiterate!

According to this woman you might as well not read things like Animal Farm or Bram Stoker’s Dracula considering it was never mentioned in the Bible about your farm animals becoming organized amongst themselves or vampires correct?

“People will really defend Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. Defend who C.S. Lewis was because the Lord of the Rings movies were a bit more gory than he intended them to be and the message was distorted a little bit.”

First of all C.S. Lewis did NOT write the Lord of the Rings; that was his friend J.R.R. Tolkien you illiterate cunt. C.S. Lewis wrote the Chronicles of Narnia, a story with VERY religious undertones. You have absolutely no fucking clue about what you’re talking about and your ignorance infuriates me!!

“I heard there was a child sacrifice in Harry Potter.”

Really? Where? Further proof this bitch didn’t even read the books!

She went on to say things that because America is the most medicated country  in the world we shouldn’t let kids read about “things that can suck happy thoughts from your mind.” She’s referring to Dementors, which keep in mind, DON’T EXIST and are obvious to kids that they do not exist. And if we were to even take what she said seriously, it’s not like the kid can’t bust a Patronus up in this bitch to cure his depression – cheaper than meds, no?

This is the end of the first disc, and I can say that I’m already highly disappointed in this woman and partially in my roommate for introducing me to her thinking that what this woman said was actually legit and should be listened to. She’s really not.

Stay tuned for the review of the second disc, right now I’m gonna pour myself some wine and watch Death Proof, one of Quentin Tarantino’s sexy works. ❤

happy thanksgiving!

Yes I’m late, with this. Bite me.

I’d like to wish every single one of my readers (and even those who aren’t… I guess) a belated Happy Thanksgiving! I’m sure you all can look through the hell holes that are your lives to find at least one thing/person that you’re thankful for. Me?

I’m thankful for pretty faces. It certainly provides a relief from the eye sores that make up 90% of the population. My pretty face of choice? Tom Felton.


I’m also thankful for my iPod. Without it those 20 mile hikes to class would be an absolute bore. Without it I might not have an excuse not to talk to people. Without it I would have never stayed awake in half of my classes.

ipod touchThank you Apple for getting one thing right.

Last but not least I’m thankful for my beloved friends and readers: You are more of a family to me than my real family ever could be (those bastards). Thank you for at least giving off the impression that you’re desirable in society. ❤

Oh! That reminds me.

The lady from this entry sent me her CD and I finally received it in the mail. I plan on listening to it this weekend, we’ll see how it goes won’t we?

harry potter and the deathly hallows part 1 review

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I

Can I just say one thing?

I actually feel better that it’s in two parts because that means they didn’t skimp on the details from the book! Not to mention the turn out was ridiculous, and most people came dressed as their favorite characters to the movie theater. Luckily I had my Slytherin gear, and my roommate her Ravenclaw scarves!

If you haven’t read the book I highly suggest you do before going to the movies (though who hasn’t read the books these days??? blasphemous!). I’ll try not to give anything away…

I don’t understand how it’s just PG-13 anymore though, seriously? The next one might be rated R! I know it’s based on a children’s book but with blatant murder and racy making out scenes, I’m not so sure I’d bring a 13 year old to this movie!

Aside from that it was an amazing film, and it cut off right at where I thought it would (for those who read the books but didn’t see the movie: right at the grave robbing!).

Ralph Fiennes did an especially good job at playing his role of Lord Voldemort. Apparently in an interview about the movie he said he knew his character was a success by the mere fact that it scared the living day lights out of the children that saw the movie (what adult wasn’t terrified though as well? he’s a professional stalker after all, a murderous one at that!)

Helena Bonham Carter played my favorite character of all, Bellatrix Lestrange, and proved her character to be even more demented than in the past couple of movies where she appeared!

official film still

The famous trio after apparating to safety, still being stalked by death eaters!

New  photo

Hermione in her bedroom before wiping her parents’ memories of her with the spell, Obliterate.

New  photo

Reading in the cold while Harry takes a break searching for the next Horcrux.


Burying Doby, his role was perfect in this movie.

Deathly Hallows - Snape - Alex aka Lilianetty News

At what I’ve deemed, THE TABLE OF EVIL. Is it bad that during this entire scene I couldn’t stop thinking about how lovely that table and chair set was??

Deathly Hallows - Xeno claims to the Death Eaters that he captured Potter - Alex aka Lilianetty News

The Death Eaters coming to the Lovegood household.

Photo from the movie

The twins, Fred and George. So cute no??

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I

Receiving what Dumbledore wanted them to have in his will.


Bill and Fleur at their wedding!

Rupert Grint


Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Helena Bonham Carter (Bellatrix Lestrange)
Can you believe she’s married to Tim Burton? Perfect couple much??

New  photo

Cutest couple, Ron and Hermione go through a lot in this movie.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Alex aka Lilianetty

At the very end of the movie, hopefully this photo doesn’t give away too much??

Go see it while it’s still in theatres!! You won’t regret it, promise 🙂


chronicles of okc: dominant white male for sale?

One in five relationships now start through dating websites, says

However there’s one key thing to note: isn’t free. OKC just happens to be free, which means the true creepers lurk here. People who are serious about their love lives are willing to pay for sites like Personally I’m at a point where I’m not willing to pay for anything I can easily get for free.

Note: keep in mind that if I go on a date with you, it’s not necessarily because I’m just hungry and want free food; I might actually start to like you better on a full stomach.

This particular creeper made me laugh in his approach.

Him: You’ve got beautiful eyes.
Me: Baby, I know it.
Him: Are you open to dating dominant white men like me?


I want it to be known that race is never an issue with me (though I do often stereotype and therefore base sexual attraction on assumed penis size, sorry Asia). I’ve dated men of all flavors, but what annoys me is when men try to pull that “hehe I’m dominant” bull shit.

First of all who the fuck do you think you’re dominating? You’re a thirty five year old male nurse flirting pointlessly with a fiery, angry, twenty something year old Black chick – who the fuck do you think is wearing the pants in this situation?

Second of all, the very fact that you felt the need to mention that you’re White gives me the feeling that you’re particularly interested in African American women and therefore makes me suspicious that this attraction comes from some strange fetish associated with slavery. I’m not down for that shit!


Me: You seem to have gotten the wrong impression about me; NO ONE dominates me.
Him: Oh really? I like the confidence. So what do you do for fun? Where do you like to hang out?
Me: I don’t think you get it and I don’t know if coming at women of color and trying to assert your dominance is what gets your dick hard or if it’s worked in the past but I’m putting an end to that right now.  It’s very unattractive, insulting, and foolish and I’d rather end this conversation with you. Better luck next time?

Instead of allowing him to potentially throw racial slurs at me (like I expect him to, this always happens to me for some reason) I decided to do the blocking early.

Lesson – when it comes to personality, I’m the one in leather with the whip; not you.

And don’t you forget it.

harry potter and the deathly hallows – an unusual critic?

First of all I’d like to apologize for not posting as often as I’d like to. Considering I go to a university that revolves around bull shit it’s difficult for me to pimp slap everyone in the department and still have my hands free for blogging.

Second of all I hope you all pre-ordered your tickets to go see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows wherever you might be. The theatres around me are all sold out, it’s at a point where they’re cancelling other movies that night to make room for more showings of this movie. For those of us that grew up with the books it’s a very big deal.

(Call me nerdy if you like, you’re just mad you didn’t get your acceptance letter into Hogwarts, bitch. )

In all of the excitement people have been dressing up as their favorite characters and rereading the seven books leading up to this movie. I know they split of the movie between two parts because they know that people will pay to see each part individually and they therefore get more money that way;  honestly I’d sit there for however long it took to see the whole thing if it was just one giant movie!

However where there’s joy there’s that one person bent on ruining the fun in hopes of “educating” you about what’s “actually going on.”

My roommate introduced me to this woman who she’s heard speak a couple of times named Carol Kornacky (heard of her? apparently she’s famous but I’ve never heard of her before this??). From the conversation I know little, and yet just enough, about this woman to question whether or not anyone should be listening to this person.

Apparently earlier in her life she practiced witchcraft to cope with her highly dysfunctional/alcoholic family. [Psychology alert – the abuse she must have suffered could have led to various types of psychological disorders, I already see potential influence/bias]. Because of her suffering from her demons (that she summoned mind you) she, through the influence of a friend, went to church and soon found her way to Christ.

When it comes to Harry Potter she’s dedicated an entire CD to her feelings about it. During the filming of the latest movie, she “felt concern for the safety of the actors/actresses because of the direction they were given to pronounce all their lines and spells correctly.” She questioned why a scene director would encourage them to say the words perfectly unless the scene director felt like these words had merit to them when it comes to performing actual witchcraft.

Uhh, movie quality????
Does she realize how many nerds the director would have to face if they got anything wrong???

I have to admit that when I was told this that I was upset both at her and my friend that tried to convince me that her reasoning was at all logical. To me this sounds like just another case of “crazy, religious nut job bent on destroying literature out of fear.”

There’s a ton of assumptions that she had to have made in order to feel concern. Firstly she’s assuming that the “spells” from the Harry Potter books have some power behind them. If you’ve ever read the books and have any knowledge of Latin whatsoever, you’ll see that the “spells” are really just some base Latin translations with some sparkles added to it.

And as a former witch you’d think she’d have some idea of what constitutes as a legit spell or not, right??

Secondly in assuming the words indeed do have merit, she’s therefore assuming that J.K. Rowling is a witch. There’s no way Rowling could have come up with all those spells that just happen to all be real by chance, therefore she’d have to be a witch. (fucking stupid).

Thirdly the scene director would have to believe in witchcraft. (anyone else seeing this as highly unlikely and fucking ridiculous?) Not only would they have to believe in it, they would have to want harm to come to the actors. (again, what the fuck??)

This woman absolutely infuriates me. People just can’t let shit go, can they? They just can’t let anyone write/read anything without throwing in their bull shit can they? It’s time you learn the difference between fiction novels aimed towards children and your psychotic neurosis.

But considering I’m still hearing this from a third party I decided to e-mail her. She said that in order to answer all my questions (I asked one question, mind you) she’s gonna send me her CD about it. (she better not charge me for it, damn it, I don’t pay for headaches).

She says it’ll be sent out by this Friday. Until then I’m just going to enjoy the movie and ignore all of the uber religious bull shit that lifeless assholes love spewing in all film makers’ directions.

chronicles of okc: it’s only the beginning

Recently a friend of mine decided to make me an OKC account. If you don’t know what that is, essentially it’s a dating site like every other one with the minor exception that it’s actually legitimately free.

It took some warming up to the idea, but it’s actually pretty interesting. I haven’t met anyone that I would really “date” but I’ve made a couple of interesting friends so I assume it’s not a total waste of time at the moment. But the people that do hit on me tend to either be really shy and intimidated, or total douchebags.

Hence why I’m starting my own Chronicles of OKC to catalog the differing levels of pure douchebaggery.  Maybe this will provide some insight to those that have hit on me (or wish to) into what works for me and what absolutely doesn’t.

I’ll start off this chapter with one of the first people that approached me through OKC. Check this conversation out and let me know what you think. (Keep in mind I’ve had to alter his spelling and grammar to be that of a normal human being who knows English).


Him: Hi there.
Me: How are you?
Him: I’m good. Spent most of my day playing Dr. Phil to my sis who’s havin man trouble. y’all women sure can talk : )


Was I really supposed to think that remark was cute? Charming? Amusing? First of all, I don’t fucking know you. So don’t come the fuck up to me and say essentially “Hi, you’re just like every other woman!” I should have fucked this joker up but he’s hiding safely behind the interwebs.


Me: Really? I find it’s men that seem to have the most to say. Here’s a tip: I wouldn’t start off a conversation with stereotyping my gender. 🙂 Better luck next time.
Him: Stereotyping men right back may not be the best way to lead me to the light there, charm-school. Anyway I just wanted to say “hi.” You kinda look like this girl I used to copy off of back in college ( I know also politically incorrect) but if you don’t want to talk let me know so I can prepare an OKC lawsuit for making our enemy percentage rating* obviously too low.


Dear Reader: You seriously have no idea how long it took to edit that paragraph he wrote from all the poor grammar and numerous spelling errors.

*Enemy percentage rating is calculated from questions you answer on the site and determine how badly your personalities clash. Apparently ours was only 9% so I think their algorithm is busted.

Yes, I am very attracted to guys that cheated their way through college. /sarcasm. Do your own damn work you lazy son of a bitch. And for the record if you compare a female with another female you know and say that’s the reason you’re interested you’re fucking retarded. No female wants to hear that she’s being categorized even further or even comparable to another female. I’m unique just like everyone else (lol). In a woman’s world we are supposed to stand out in your eyes, not blend in with your crowd of college drop outs. I’m not worried about me being the one you copied off of though, you’d never get into this school.


Me: I didn’t need a “charm school” to teach me better than to hit on women by saying they talk a lot. Not attractive. I’m sure the “better luck next time” part was your cue. 🙂
Him: That’s what I get for being one of the few guys that talk to the dark girl trying to show love. Oh well.


What the fuck? This boy is fucking ridiculous! The dark girl? What the fuck does that even mean? Do dark girls get hit on less? I know we as Black women tend to provide hierarchies within ourselves based on skin color and hair type but seriously? Being dark doesn’t make me fucking less adequate or more aggressive or really… more/less anything. In fact it’s fucking irrelevant.

In case you’re wondering, this is a Black guy hitting on me.


Me: My skin color is irrelevant to your failure, and you are not at all a rarity considering you don’t have the sense nor class to know when to simply take your rejection with a grain of salt. If this is how you “show love,” by starting off by “hello, by the way you women are all the same and a burden,” then I’m glad I recognized how incompatible we are this early. 🙂 Peace.

What I really wanted to say was “shut the fuck up, bitch ass knee-grow blowing up my inbox with some dumb ass shieeeeeeeeeeeeeet,” but I had to keep my composure. I can’t bring myself to that level though the ghetto in me does kind of slip out sometimes. 😉

Lesson – never talk to me as if you can classify me. And definitely don’t mistake this lioness for a house kitten…

… or I’ll fuck you up. 🙂

Good night kids, have a great weekend. Oh! And don’t forget to preorder your tickets to see Harry Potter’s new movie!!

sweet, sweet justice

As a woman that enjoys the cock, one of the most annoying things to me are men without any goddamn sense when it comes to relationships. No, this post isn’t a rant about those types of men (or should I say mere boys) but rather an enthusiastic disposition of those rarest of occasions where our dear friend Justice awakens from her tomb and tramples all over the whores of society.

I suppose it’s most important to list the characters in this particular tale. A friend of mine, let’s call her T, is one of those girls that doesn’t get on my damn nerves. When it comes to her relationships she’s logical, has goddamn sense, and doesn’t act like a cock groveling, sperm dumpster. She’s loving, caring, and really knows how to treat her man, whoever the lucky son of a bitch happens to be. But the next potential might not be a son of a bitch after all.

Meet C, the guy who does everything. He’s sweet, attractive, kind, and really knows how to treat the woman in his life. He’s romantic consistently and doesn’t grow tired of doing wonderful things for the girl he loves.

Now let’s meet L, C’s ex girlfriend. The only thing she’s ever been consistent with is cheating on C and telling other people to keep decent girls like T away from C. Why? Because she “loves” him.

Well I say that’s utter bull shit! C deserves much better than to have this sea cow of a cunt not only treat him, a man worthy of praise and therefore a rarity in this world, like utter shit and show depreciation for something most women these days would kill for!!

She also had the nerve to actually message T after shit talking her, saying she wasn’t “good enough” for C. Because this bitch would know anything about that right?? I’m just proud of T for what she said next:

If this is concerning C, I’ve already heard that you want him back and that you’ve told other people to tell me that you love him and so on and so on.

Honestly, I would feel bad and I would back off if I didn’t know what you’ve done to him time and time again. In my experiences, I have definitely learned that loving someone is not cheating on them time and time again.

So, honestly, if you do love him, which I doubt, you’ll back off and let him be happy.

And another thing since I can see you writing your petty little statuses and telling people to tell me to leave him alone.

I don’t deserve him? Bitch maybe if you could learn to fuck one person at a time instead of running between guys, you’d have him there with you, but you know what every time he gave your ass a chance, you cheated on him. I don’t deserve him? Bitch please. I know how to stand faithfully by my man and make him feel appreciated.

Grow the fuck up and learn to deal with the consequences of your actions. You made your decisions. Now deal with them. That’s what being an adult is.

Apparently this girl then proceeded to burst into tears. She later apologized to T for… well being a stupid bitch. She kept trying to convince T that she really loves C but she clearly doesn’t know shit about love.

I’m just happy that C was smart enough to dump her ass because she didn’t deserve him and for that I give him mad props. We need more men like this in the world for all women and gay men to have!

feminine charm

I love cosmetics.

MAC Store in Glorietta Philippines


When I say I love cosmetics, I mean I have spent a vast majority of my money on products from Bobbi Brown, MAC, Urban Decay, NARS, bareMinerals, and Dior. I love being able to transform my face into something surreal.

Don’t judge me.
*cue judgment*

Cosmetology is a form of art that allows for a human canvas. It’s fun, creative, even beautiful. It’s why I despise it when people (read men) belittle it so. Hence I felt the need to respond to such arrogant assertions that I tend to hear in an attempt to ruin something fun and fulfilling.

“Men don’t like women who wear too much make up, it’s deceiving.”

You also don’t like women that are ugly, make your fucking mind up! Besides, since when did that male arrogance allow you to assume that you are the sole reason why women wear make up? A girl can’t decide to better her looks for herself?? It HAS to be for you doesn’t it? Don’t be a douchebag.

“I realize we have evidence that men have been wearing makeup for thousands of years, but this uniquely feminine manifestation of a clearly delusional daily process as a means of hiding your identity to potentially attract a mate, increase your social status or, least likely, to simply make you feel good about yourself is a level of oppression which makes me quite uncomfortable.”

First of all, what’s delusional about putting on make up? Since when did you need to suffer from psychological dysfunction to put on some foundation? That’s awfully insulting don’t you think?? And I don’t see how I’m hiding my identity either, considering my identity doesn’t consist of my pores and blemishes. It consists of my personality, my soul, my heart, and these wonderful tits of mine. Nothing more, nothing less. And if you’re going to call something oppressive, make sure the people who are actually putting on make up feel oppressed first; I most certainly do not.

“You must just hate yourself and dislike your face.”

Why would I hate myself? Does that mean every time you shave you’re going through a process of self loathing and torment? For the record I love my face. I love my nose, my eyes, my cheeks, my ears, and most definitely my mouth. (*smooch). It’s because I love my face that I try to do new things with it by trying on different looks. For the same reason I love my body, I love trying on new clothes that accentuate it.

“It’s all about natural beauty.”

Girls that go completely natural you automatically deem as ugly! Find me one girl that has never used anything man made in her life on her skin or hair and let’s see just how beautiful she is.

I like men with muscles, five-o-clock shadows and wondrous eyes but you don’t see me calling the vast majority of American males fat, delusional fucks do you?

I really don’t understand where this narcissism and male ego has arisen from. Do you really think our choices in our day to day activities revolve around you? I’m sorry to burst your man bubble but they don’t. In fact none of my day to day activities are done with a penis in mind.

Especially not your tiny one.


The Rally to Restore Sanity

The rally was amazing. It focused on uniting Americans once more to restore the idea of thinking before speaking/acting. That having irrational fears is what’s causing this country to truly go to shit (amongst other things).

The rally featured performances from the Roots, John Legend, Yusuf Islam, Tony Bennett, Sheryl Crow, Jeff Tweedy, Mavis Staples and Kid Rock.

There were seriously this many people there.

Even people who couldn’t make it all the way to D.C. showed their support in their home states.

Good thing we weren’t this far back, right?

On the walk there, thousands of people were walking ahead of us and I thought we got there pretty damn early!

A lot of people were wearing costumes, this one was probably one of the best at the rally. (probably because of the sign).

A strange girl getting interviewed by some unknown and therefore unimportant news reporter. (lol)

For those not close enough to the stage (aka us) we had to watch some of the festivities from giant t.v. screens.

Some held up signs but him and a friend were holding up pumpkins! Mad creative but I would have definitely stuck to something lighter.

Wonder if he used a stencil?

Our friend Allie made this poster. There was more on the back but I didn’t get a shot. I was too busy worrying about my feet hurting.

If they were elected I’d go insane with happiness and concern. ;x

Colbert with a Hitler stache.

The two pumpkins together!

Yes indeed.

Walking back, feet ridiculously tired and all these people are in front of me. Bleh. D.C. is crowded enough! Though we did meet some interesting characters from other states in lands far, far away.


I love signs with elaborate bullet points.

For more information on the rally go to

karma’s a bitch.

As a Buddhist I have a very strong belief in Karma.

That being said, I actually enjoy it when a blatant example of Karma lies before me. It doesn’t necessarily have to be bad things: someone keeping well to his principles all his life, not hurting anyone, finally gets a break by winning the lottery or something? Beautiful.

But I feel just a tad bit more justified when people who deserve bad things happening to them actually get what they deserve. I crave it. Case in point, two of my friends.

These are the only two girls I know in my circle of friends that can, in the most legit way, be called dumb sluts and they’re both blond. Is it a dumb blond thing? I don’t know. I just know I’m sick of the bull shit.

The first one decided it was best for her to not date someone available, but to date her best friend’s boyfriend on the side, make him dump said friend, and then do nothing but screw him and talk him up as if he’s not some fake asshole who looks old enough to be her father, as if he’s not broke as shit and makes her pay for everything, as if she’s not just a side whore. The only reason he’s with her is some easy access to sex. Her justification? “I just wanna have fun…” Because that makes it right for you to hurt your best friend like that? She says she’s in love but she clearly has no clue what love is, especially when all they do is fuck. Her low self esteem pisses me off.

She always talks about how “bad” she feels about it. Bitch please! If you felt bad, you wouldn’t be with him. You wouldn’t have done it to begin with. Don’t fucking sit there and pretend like you’re not a moral-less fuck tard. The worst part about it is you’re trying to pretend like you’re in a legit relationship. You’re not. So stop wasting other people’s time because we don’t want to hear about this dumbass again and how you’re stupidly swooning over him.

The other one has been doing worse. She came to me all happy and giddy that she was sleeping with a married man and tearing apart a family. Another “victim” of low self esteem. Now? Pregnancy scare. And she really had the nerve to come to me as if I was going to support her and cheer her up about it? Fuck no.

I’m a GREAT person, and a wonderful woman. I don’t date married men because I hold myself to a higher standard. I don’t cheat, because I’m not a coward. I don’t need to take a man from another woman to feel better about myself. And the fact of the matter is I’m an amazing girlfriend to anyone I’ve dated and they all know it and they’ve all realized how much they fucked up. When my ex cheated on me he knew that he had fucked up with an amazing girl and he told me so. But he’s at a point in his life where he’d rather be with a jizz munching gutter slut than to put in effort with a real woman. Why? Because she’s easy, and I’m not. Because he’s a boy and I need a man. It’s that simple.

So naturally when I hear about girls willingly being the “other woman” and how happy they seem to be about it I get pissed off because they’re fucking stupid. They don’t realize just how little self respect they have for themselves. And while girl number two was like “I’m sorry about it though…” I told her I wasn’t going to accept that bull shit. You made the choice to be with a married man and you knew what you were doing. And now that you might potentially have to man up to your choice to be a whore you wanna cry about it? Not fucking three days ago you were grinning from ear to ear just because you finally got laid. Good job, get the fuck out my face with that shit.


PS/ One of my friends says the word “cunt” is the meanest thing you could call a female. I think I’ll say it more often.

PPS/ I went to the Rally for Sanity in D.C. with Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert and I had tons of fun, despite standing at the National Mall for over 6 hours. My next entry will be about the rally and the message it inspired.